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Sailfish & Safety – Important Tips to Make Your Deep Sea Fishing Holiday a Great One

Manzanillo is known for many things, but it is most known for being the “Sailfish Capital of the World.” Fishermen (and women!) come from all over to go deep sea fishing and hopefully catch “the big one.” But there are a few things you should keep in mind before sailing the high seas.

Tip #1: Check the Weather Report

Your boat captain should be doing this anyway, but it never hurts to just look at the weather report and make sure there isn’t a storm on the way. A good rule of thumb: if all of the other boats are staying docked, then you probably should too.

Tip #2: Double Check Your Gear

The day before your excursion, go through all of your equipment. Make sure everything works and that you have aren’t running out of anything. Try to get this done before noon so you can get replacements before the stores close.

Do the batteries in your flashlight work and do you have back-ups? Do you have a functional first aid kit? Do you have a waterproof bag for your wallet and cell phone and does it attach to your clothing correctly? Do you have rations in case you are stuck on the water for a couple of days? Do you have a couple of flares in case you need to signal someone in the night?

All of these items may sound small, but could be very important if something happened.

Tip #3: Make Sure the Radio is Working

Before you let the boat leave the dock, ask the captain if he has checked the. If they have a GPS system, check to see if that is working too.

Tip #4: Find the Life Jackets

Hopefully, your captain will go through some quick safety features before you leave. Make sure you know where the life jackets, rafts and/or lifeboats are located. In addition, find out where the fire extinguishers are located.

Tip #5: Learn Meditation

Sometimes a minor problem can turn into a catastrophe if everyone panics. Remain calm and offer the captain and his crew help in handling other passengers. If they are your family, make sure that you are firm in your instructions and show confidence.

Tip #6: Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Some deep sea fish are very strong and can pull a person off a boat. Be sure that your fishing rod is securely anchored and that you are also attached to the boat in some way in case your rod gets free. If you have children with you, this is extremely important. Little Billy isn’t going to win a battle with SeƱor Fish.

Tip #7: Leave Your Information

Make sure that somebody has a copy of your vital information before you leave. If your spouse is staying on the mainland, be sure that she knows what you are doing, the name of the charter company, when you should be returning and other information that will be helpful in case something happens. This includes any medical information and names and numbers of emergency contacts back home.

If you are traveling alone or your entire party is going on the trip, it is a good idea to leave your information with the front desk so that you have someone looking out for you.

All of these tips don’t take very long and they could save your life. Make sure that your trip is a happy one and not a disaster.

Happy fishing!

If you would like more information on fishing safety, go to Take Me Fishing. Not only do they have a great site, but they also have some wonderful information about fishing and safety.

This article was brought to you by Cascadas de Manzanillo, a new development of luxury real estate in Mexico located in Manzanillo, Mexico, the “Sailfish Capital of the World.”